Death comes to us all
All human beings die someday. There are things we can do to delay this; eating right, exercising, avoiding excessive alcohol and drugs, and so on. I’m a strong believer in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) which can improve health, add energy, and extend your lifespan.
But later on in this article I will give you the secret of immortality.
Let me start by saying you are not your body. You are an immaterial, thinking, calculating spirit not made up of either matter or energy, but something else. A soul if you will — but you don’t have a soul, you are a soul. You occupy your body the same way you occupy your car when you drive it. You wouldn’t say you are your car, would you?
Good to be alive
The very nicest thing about having a body is that it generates a delicious kind of emotional “animal energy” for you to feast on. It puts a smile on your face and a spring in your step. You might say that living itself gives you a reason for living.
This energy can be shared among people in a way that amplifies that energy for everyone — although here I’m getting into the subject of relationships which is a story for another time.
However, bodies age, and little by little change from living tissue to dead meat. When your body reaches about 60% dead meat, you die.
What happens next? Why, the spirit (you) leaves the body, that’s all. If you were in severe pain, the pain will suddenly stop — which is good in itself, but when the pain suddenly stops like that, that means you are now dead.
You can “resurrect” yourself by diving back into your body, but you’d better do it quickly — without a spirit to guide it, it will decay fast. It may be worth it if you were in an accident and have a team of doctors working to revive you, but if you were bedridden and in chronic pain, the old pain will just come back — if there’s no hope for you to live a worthwhile life again, it may be time to let go and let it all come to an end.
Who hurts more?
It has been said that death is harder on the survivors than it is on the dearly departed. That’s because the mourners have all these feelings of hurt and loss while the mourned one can feel nothing at all. But it just doesn’t work that way. Whoever said that obviously doesn’t believe in any sort of afterlife. The truth is that the one who has passed is keenly aware of their environment, they know they have lost everything (family, friends, possessions, status, and home), and they feel the pain of loss deeply — perhaps for many, many years after the day they died.
Death is so traumatic that most of us in the Western world have completely blocked our past deaths from our memories. And since every previous lifetime has ended in death, the majority have blocked previous lifetimes out too. And so the West does not believe in reincarnation (although some of us do).
The Eastern world generally does believe in reincarnation — although I’m sure many take it as a matter of faith as opposed to personal experiences they can easily remember.
Once you’ve died, what is “the other side” like? It looks the same as the living world, because it is the same world. You are not held down by gravity, and you can move freely in all directions, but you can’t pick anything up — no hands. (But if you’re in good shape as a spirit, you can communicate with the living to a greater or lesser degree.
Without a body, you no longer generate animal energy, but there is a possibility of feeding off the accumulated energy of others — particularly of those who have recently died. Or you may meet beings who want to feed off your energy — shamelessly draining you until you are used up, when they cast you aside.
So what can you do? For most of us, the answer is to find a new baby body to occupy. If you’re not in a hurry, you can “shop around” until you find an available body that meets your needs; perhaps in the same family (so you can be with your loved ones again), or in whatever sort of body pleases you.
I call dibs on that body
The competition for new bodies is fierce. When people start to worry that there might not be a body for them in the next lifetime, they start campaigning for “more babies for everyone whether they want them or not”. Contraception, homosexuality, masturbation, and abortion become evil; and if there is population decrease in an area, it becomes oh no! what are we going to do about that? (I still remember the overpopulation warnings of the 1970’s, when the great fear was that population increase was in danger of outstripping needed resources such as food. When did we go from one extreme to the other?)
In any case, while while dying can be extremely painful, being dead is less so — making the process worse than the result. And there is another upside — you generally get a brand-new body free from chronic diseases and the ravages of old age. Another upside is whatever mistakes, problems, and persecutions you had in your old life simply go away — you start fresh.
Which brings us to the secret of immortality I promised you. You, a spirit, are already immortal. You just change one body for another every 70-ump years or so. Think about it — you wouldn’t want to keep the same car forever, would you?
There’s a lot more I could say about this but I wanted to keep this article a reasonable length.
your wisdom is both simple ….
and profound ….
when i first entered this latest earthling human body ….
at conception by the way ….
on the beach off jutland ….
there was a visible cloud of circling souls ….
all waiting to jump in ….
i did not wait ….
i jumped in.
i was not very bright ….
i did not bother with due diligence ….
i did not ‘interview’ my parents in order to establish relative levels of sanity or lack thereof ….
instead i jumped in almost reflexively ….
and beat out the competition.
there are those who will say:
“we only live once” ….
and to that i say:
“you can say that again …
and again.”