There’s a dangerous “cure” for diseases, and it refuses to go away, no matter how often or how thoroughly it has been debunked. This would be MMS, The Miracle Malaria Solution (or Multi-Mineral Solution) invented by Jim Humble in 2014. (It’s also called chlorine dioxide but that’s the name of this formula in its activated state.)
It consists of sodium chlorite, or NaClO2, which in the presence of an acid (such as vinegar) releases atomic oxygen, O1. This supposedly obliterates disease on contact. As a basically anti-allopathic remedy, it goes against just about everything modern medicine stands for.
Note: I wanted to provide links to both pro- and anti-MMS articles but pro-MMS articles are, rightfully, taken down almost as fast as they are put up. Anyone coming across a pro-MMS article and wanting to read it again later is well advised to make a copy and save it offline.
What is MMS?
MMS has a chemical formula halfway between bleach (NaOCl) and common table salt (NaCl). It decomposes rapidly once “activated” by an acid; within 30 minutes, it degrades into salt water. It is not bleach but it is a disinfectant.
Does chlorine dioxide have any legitimate use at all?
Chlorine dioxide is regularly used by the food processing industry to disinfect meat and produce. If you buy your food at a supermarket, it has been treated with chlorine dioxide. It’s also used to purify water. Either way, in its “used up” form it’s perfectly safe.
If it’s so dangerous, why is it still around?
There are plenty of aficionados out there buying MMS on a regular basis. A group, organized as a church in Spain so they can hide behind religious freedom protections, sells MMS (which they call AMS, for Activated Mineral Solution). If you don’t believe me, see (I’m sure there are plenty of other suppliers out there; the formula to make it is not secret.)
Did ex-USA-President Trump say we should drink bleach to cure coronavirus?
No, that’s just fake news. Although he did say (to a science advisor) the suggestion “sounds interesting” and that if tested, “we’ll see”. (That’s about as fair a response as you can hope for.)
So what do they do with MMS?
Supporters say it cures a whole host of diseases, from deadly viruses to common arthritis, in just days. But seriously, do you think anything can be that powerful? (If you DO believe it, why don’t you try “unicorn tears” from the Harry Potter series?)
Can my doctor treat my illness with MMS?
No way. MMS has not been studied in double-blind tests and has received no approval from any government regulatory agency. And people have died taking it, because it attacks disease particles so aggressively that your body’s immune system can’t endure the stress of any but the smallest doses to start off with.
What about alternative health clinics?
In many countries, alternative clinics operate in a gray area; some clinicians are quite knowledgeable in the field of medicine but they can’t by law even do something as simple as prescribe hormone pills to an elderly patient. But if they promise you a miracle cure, try to find out exactly what that is. If they won’t answer, look for the following clues to the presence of MMS there:
- ◆ They will mix up the medicine in small batches, because MMS doesn’t “keep” for more than a few minutes.
- ◆ They will add chemicals from two bottles, the MMS itself and the acid activator, into a glass, and then swirl it around and let it sit for three minutes.
- ◆ Then they will add some juice to make it more palatable; usually your choice of apple, grape, or pineapple.
- ◆ As a final test, ask for orange juice. Orange juice is said to negate the effects of MMS so they will never use it. If they say you can’t have orange juice, then get out of there fast — and run, don’t walk.