Hypothesis On Cancer

a crab

Cancer scares me. I’ve read a lot on this subject and I don’t get a warm, fuzzy feeling that anybody really understands it. In particular, there seems to be no clear agreement on what it is, what causes it, or how to cure it. Cancer of course is caused by “carcinogens”, but what is a carcinogen? It’s whatever causes cancer. This kind of statement is called a tautology, a statement which is obviously true, yet is of no help to anyone; providing no traction for moving forward, to something like a cure.

And what is considered a cure? I keep reading about how “five year survival rates” keep improving, which refers to the proportion of cancer patients who will live at least another 5 years. I don’t know about anyone else, but if I had cancer and were told I was going to live another 6 years rather than only another 4 years, I wouldn’t consider that much of a cure.

Are cancer cells sick?

Cancer cells are not some sort of “foreign invader” like microbes or bacteria. They are your own body’s cells that become cancerous/diseased. So are they really the enemy or just fallen comrades?

Traditional cancer therapy includes radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy — all designed to utterly destroy those nasty cancer cells! This is like an army fighting a battle, but instead of retrieving their wounded and bringing them to the rear, they shoot them instead.

Cancer types, metastasis, and remission

They say there are different types of cancer. That lung cancer is different than bone cancer is different than breast cancer. But I say cancer is cancer. The only difference is what part of the body succumbs first — and as soon as one organ becomes cancerous, the rest are not far behind.

When cancer spreads from one part of the body to another, that’s called metastasis. It suggests that cancer cells exude some sort of “cancerness” that flows through the bloodstream and infects other organs. But that can’t possibly be true, because if that’s how we get cancer, how does the first cancer happen?

Sometimes a patient goes into remission; that is to say, it disappears for a while. There must be some change to explain it; but no one has come up with an explanation. Occasionally, the remission is so complete that there’s no sign of any cancer left — which might tempt a doctor to explain that by just saying the original tests must have been in error.

My hypothesis

I am presenting this idea as a hypothesis — which is a fancy way of saying it’s a guess. To prove it would require a formal study. I am not a doctor, so I don’t have the qualifications to conduct such a study; nor do I have the money to fund one. Yet I am hoping the right somebody will see this and proceed with a proper study. Please do not act on the ideas you see here until this is done.


acid (in lemons)Many foods are either acidic or cause acid to be formed within the body. Acid has long been associated with ill health, and cancer certainly qualifies as ill health.

It’s extremely important that the pH (acid) level in the bloodstream be kept precisely constant — so any extra must be filtered out and dumped somewhere. And the first somewhere to put excess acid is the urine. You can buy test strips to test your urine stream; if they remain yellow, that means acid in your urine (and too much acid in your body, overall). If it’s so bad that your urine can’t carry all of it away, then the next channels of elimination are the lungs (causing bad breath) and the solid wastes. And if that’s still not enough, I believe the excess is sequestered in various “hiding places” within the body. That would be like having a large “garbage room” in your house, where you toss your garbage, but never take it out again. It is my belief that this is what causes cancer.

And how do I know this?

Mostly this has come from my using the philisophic process, where I look at the situation as it is today and ask, what possible combination of circumstances could have caused it to be like this? And this is the only possible explanation I’ve come up with.

The antacid age

lots of antacid pillsI am getting on in years, and have reached the age where I gulp antacids every day. I use carbonate-based antacids, which are alkaline, and since acids and alkalis neutralize each other on contact, I am actually reducing the total amount of acid in my body (good). One of these medications I make myself, and it relieves upset/sour stomach instantly.

My aunt on the other hand, uses the kind of pill that stops acid from entering the stomach in the first place. I think this is bad because that just causes the acid to back up and accumulate somewhere else (perhaps in those “hiding places” I mentioned before).

Acid indigestion

A funny thing sometimes happens when I chew Rennie (antacid) tablets — sometimes the acidic feeling goes away, sometimes it gets worse. I believe that occasionally, when acid is neutralized, this becomes an opportunity to begin clearing out those hiding places — and so even more acid is dumped into the stomach. But then that can be neutralized too (good).

But sometimes if I don’t have antacids available, the acids in my stomach disappear — perhaps they are re-absorbed into my bloodstream, perhaps to be re-deposited into the hiding place (bad).

Bob’s radiator

Let me give you an analogy. Years ago, I had this friend Bob who had a problem with his car. There was rust in his radiator’s water, and every time he flushed it out the rust would come back in a few days. I told him to just keep flushing his radiator, because I could see that every time he put clean water in and took rusty water out, he was reducing the total amount of rust in his radiator. It was obvious to me that most of the rust was caked up in the remote corners of his cooling system, but by introducing clean water again, that rust was breaking free, was being swept up by the flowing clean water, and was finally in a position to be removed by the next radiator flush. After about 3 or 4 flushes, the water stayed clean.

I think these “hidden acids” work the same way. If you remove the easy-to-get-at acids first, that creates an opportunity for the rest to “come out of hiding”.

Other researches

Various other authors have claimed a link between acid (or sugar) and cancer. Others have claimed there is no link, so they kind of cancel each other out. One thing the debunkers like to point out that the pH (acid) level of the blood is constant; it cannot be changed. But as I’ve said above, it’s not the pH level of the blood that’s important, but rather how excess acid is sequestered inside the body.

So just what am I doing about it?

I’m taking (carbonate-based) antacids on a regular basis. If I continue doing so, and then don’t get cancer, that doesn’t prove anything because maybe I wasn’t going to get cancer anyway. But I’d rather be safe than sorry. And like I said, a formal study is needed.

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